Globan™ Organics is the leading marketer of  organic ingredients and promoter of Organic Farming everywhere.

Who is your Farmer? 

Organic Farmer.

In my Poem “Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.” I have tried to communicate the following concepts:


1. What the Organic Farmer does?

2. What are his responsibilities?

3. How do Organic Farmers impact the society?

4. How are you promoting Organic farming?

5. What are the benefits of Yoga?

6. What are the benefits of eating Veggies?

7. What is there to eat? Emphasize Salads and nutrition.

8. How do you impact the society?


Here is the Poem:

Who is your Farmer?

Organic Farmer.


He Cares for Soil,

Keeps the Soil fertile,

He Cares for Plants,

Rejects socking synthetic inputs,

Takes matching measures

With cover crops, mini-tilling,

Compost, crop rotation and more

Captures and stores carbon in soil,

Positively impacting climate change.

Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


He carries the Organic Torch,

Makes Organic Label verifiable.

Welcomes third Party Audits anytime.

Instills confidence in consumers.

Gives pedigree to your food,

Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


He Grows Meals for People.

Feeds Food to People.

Boosts Health of People.

Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


These Farm Heroes,

Don’t control our Nature.

They Share our Nature,

Benefit our Environment

Balance our Ecos,

Manage Sustainably for our Kids’ Future.

Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


What are you doing? Reverse a Ph.D. or What?

No. Nature is My Teacher.

Nurture your ground.

These days I say,

Do Organic in everything.

No Toxic Chemicals, No Pesticides,

No Herbicides, No Fungicides. And No GMOs

Support Organic for personal health,

And Larger reason, for health of the Planet.

Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


Take the doctor ordered

Healing Pills of two OMs,

And More Yoga you do,

More you Meditate,

More you move your body,

More you Volunteer,

More energy you Create and Radiate

More you Feel Younger.

Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


 More veggies you love,

More vegan you Eat,

More fiber you fill up.

Eating Healthy Diet Means,

Less of Scary Cancer,

Less of Dulling Diabetes,

Less of Paining Heart Disease,

Less of wobbly Obese.

Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


What is there to Eat? Kids ask.

Eat more Salads

Adding right herbs and spices

Make’m more tasty

Rich in Antioxidents and Vitamins.

Gives your body better nutrition

And better Immune System.

More energy and younger you feel.

Go, Change your World.

Be well. Do good to all.


Who is your Farmer? Organic Farmer.


©   By:  Govind Pailoor.

